When a Medicare contractor denies a claim, whether as part of a pre-pay, post-pay, Targeted Probe and Educate, statistically extrapolated, or other type of review or audit, the provider generally has a right to a lengthy appeal process. The process is complex and often relies on strictly enforced deadlines and…
Articles Posted in Audit
More Than One Medicare Audit? Better Check for Overlap.
A phenomenon in Medicare audits that is gaining increased visibility is Medicare contractors “double-dipping” from providers by using overlapping audits. Once viewed as isolated aberrations, it is becoming increasingly common for Medicare contractors to audit and deny the same claims twice in different audits. This practice generally leads to overpayment…
A Primer on Medicare Statistical Extrapolations
Medicare audits often include a statistical extrapolation to estimate the full extent of an alleged overpayment. Medicare contractors are authorized to review the merits of only a small “sample” of submitted claims and extrapolate the results of that review to a large “universe” of claims to estimate the overpayment amount.…
Medicare Audits Return in Full Force
After a hiatus during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicare audits have resumed in full force. Providers and suppliers should be prepared to respond to audits that were paused during the pandemic, the initiation of new audits, and audits relating to the various pandemic relief programs. In early 2020,…
HHS Expands Settlement Conference Facilitation
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced the annual expansion of the Settlement Conference Facilitation (SCF) program. SCF is an alternate dispute resolution mechanism used to resolve Medicare claims appeals. However, because SCF is meant to help reduce the appeal backlog, only appeals filed before a certain…
A Primer on Medicare Claims Appeals
Appealing Medicare claim denials and overpayments is a common yet often misunderstood part of providing care to Medicare beneficiaries. Any healthcare provider should be familiar with the appeals process and some common issues that may arise. Although Medicare audits were temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have since…
CMS Audits Resume During Public Health Emergency
Despite the ongoing public health emergency from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19” or “COVID”), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) were encouraged by the Center for Program Integrity (“CPI”) to resume conducting Recovery Audit Contractor (“RAC”) and Medicare Administrative Contractor (“MAC”) audits. Some of the audits that are…
AHA v Burwell Questioned by DC Circuit Court
On August 11, 2017, a further development came in the Medicare appeals backlog saga, as the D.C. Circuit Court reached a decision on the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS’) appeal to the case American Hospital Association (AHA) v Burwell. The decision (“Appeal Decision”) handed down last week was…
HHS’ 2nd Update on Appeals Backlog Shows Little Progress
In early June 2017 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued its second status report on the Medicare appeals backlog. The December 2016 case American Hospital Association v Burwell, in addition to dictating that HHS clear the backlog by 2020, required that HHS release a quarterly status report…
CMS Reopens Hospital Appeals Settlement
On September 28, 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced that it intends to reopen the hospital inpatient status settlement that was initially released in 2014. CMS’ announcement means that eligible providers will be able to to settle their inpatient status claims currently pending appeal. While…