
Articles Posted in Compliance


CMS Proposes to Eliminate the Narrative Requirement for Documented Face-to-Face Encounters for Home Health Agencies

In a recently released proposed rule, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposes to eliminate the narrative requirement from the home health face-to-face encounter documentation requirement. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and implementing regulations, the certifying physician must document that the physician himself or…


OIG Recommends Increased Audits of E/M Services by CMS

In May of 2014, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report detailing its findings regarding Medicare payments for evaluation and management (E/M) services. E/M services are performed by physicians in order to assess and manage a beneficiary’s health. The OIG found that coding errors in documents for…


Physicians Nationwide Face Terminations as Insurance Plans Move to Narrow Networks

In the past year, thousands of health care providers across the country have been excluded without cause from their insurance plan’s provider networks. The proliferation of narrow networks – defined as health insurance plans that limit the doctors and hospitals available to their subscribers – has caused a backlash amongst…


OIG Proposes Significant Changes to Provider Exclusion Authority

Last week, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a Proposed Rule that changes its provider exclusion authority and significantly alters certain provider exclusion procedures and the substantive bases for exclusion from a Federal healthcare program. The Proposed Rule was released in conjunction with another Proposed Rule on the…


OIG Finds Limited Compliance with Face-to-Face Home Health Requirements

In a report released on Thursday, April 10, the Office of the Inspector General (“OIG”) found that, thus far, there has been limited compliance with the face-to-face documentation requirement for home health providers. As a result, the OIG determined that Medicare paid $2 billion to home health providers that should…


Medicare Therapy Cap Exception Extended

On December 18, 2013, Congress enacted legislation extending the Medicare therapy cap until March 31, 2014. The 2014 outpatient therapy cap limits are $1,920 for physical therapy and speech-language pathology services combined, and $1,920 for occupational therapy services. In order to qualify for an exception to the therapy cap limits…


OIG Approves Industry Stakeholders’ Contributions to a Patient Assistance Program under the Anti-Kickback Statute

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently released an advisory opinion that highlights long-standing OIG guidance as to how industry stakeholders can contribute to independent, bona fide charitable assistance programs. In this case, the patient assistance program (“Requestor”) provides grants to patients suffering…


OIG Releases Report Regarding Clinicians Associated with High Cumulative Part B Payments

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recently released a study detailing problems associated with overpayments to clinicians who provide Medicare Part B services. The study specifically focused on what the OIG referred to as “high cumulative payment” clinicians, who are clinicians receiving total annual payments of more than $3…


CMS Advisory Opinion Approves Proposed Hospital Expansion under Stark Law’s Whole Hospital Exception

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) recently released a favorable advisory opinion, CMS AO-2013-03, that interprets the “whole hospital” exception to the physician self-referral prohibition commonly known as the Stark Law. CMS determined that the proposed arrangement, which adds a new observation unit and 14 observation beds to…


CMS Releases Update on Medicare Claim Denials for Incarcerated Beneficiaries

On November 20, 2013, CMS released an update regarding the Medicare denials for claims submitted by providers and suppliers for beneficiaries who were allegedly incarcerated during the dates of service. The large volume of denials, which occurred during this past summer, were incorrect as CMS acknowledged that the systems that…

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