
Articles Posted in Health Law


CMS Proposes Extension of Virtual Direct Supervision

On July 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) released the Calendar Year 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule, proposing to extend remote supervision. The proposed rule continues to define “direct supervision” by allowing supervising physicians and practitioners the ability to continue “direct supervision” through real-time audio…


New Rural Emergency Hospital Provider Type Offers Potential Solution for Struggling Rural Hospitals

Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), a new Medicare provider type, the rural emergency hospital (REH), has been created with the goal of preserving access to outpatient hospital services in rural communities. Rural providers already face numerous financial and operational challenges, and the high number of recent closures of rural…


CMS Seeks Comments on Proposed National Healthcare Provider Directory

On October 7, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a request for information (RFI) notice seeking public comment on a proposed national healthcare provider directory. CMS states in the RFI that the directory would be a “centralized data hub” for healthcare provider, facility, and entity directory…


HHS Issues New Rules for No Surprises Act Dispute Resolution

The Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury recently issued new guidance for the dispute resolution process under the federal No Surprises Act. The Departments have made several attempts to implement regulations since the No Surprises Act was enacted in late 2020. Some have been interim…


Insurer Rates Have Gone Public

The reimbursement paid by health insurers for services is often concealed from healthcare providers and difficult to obtain. However, a recent federally required data release may change all of this, bringing a multitude of consequences. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) recently released a plan regarding Health Plan…


Michigan Passes Legislation to Improve Prior Authorization Process

For decades, both health professionals and patients alike have suffered from the consequences of prior authorization requirements. Important treatments and procedures are often put on pause for the sake of the finances or administrative inefficiencies of insurance companies. These treatment delays could even cause treatment abandonment after long periods of…


HHS Withdraws No Surprises Act IDR Rule

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has withdrawn its interim final rule requiring arbitrators in the independent dispute resolution (IDR) process under the No Surprises Act (NSA) to select the payment rate closest to the insurers’ median in-network rate (i.e., the Qualified Payment Amount or QPA, discussed further…


Primer on Provider Requirements under the No Surprises Act (Part II)

This is the second installment in a two-part series regarding the No Surprises Act, which establishes new requirements that will apply to certain healthcare providers and facilities, and providers of air ambulance services. These requirements generally apply to items and services provided to individuals enrolled in group health plans, group…


Primer on Provider Requirements under the No Surprises Act (Part I)

Effective January 1, 2022 under the No Surprises Act, healthcare providers, facilities, and providers of air ambulance services will be subject to new requirements that generally apply to items and services provided to individuals enrolled in group health plans, group or individual health insurance coverage, and Federal Employees Health Benefit…

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