
Wachler & Associates Health Law Blog


CMS Releases Physician Payment Data – Should E/M Providers Be Concerned?

Earlier this month, CMS released its first set of Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data for physicians and physician practices. As part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to make Medicare more transparent, CMS has prepared a public data set providing information on services and procedures provided to Medicare beneficiaries under…


AHA Files Lawsuit Contesting the Two-Midnight Rule

With the “doc-fix” bill extending the enforcement delay of the two-midnight rule to March 31, 2015, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has decided to use that time challenging the new inpatient admission rules. Earlier this week, AHA filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of…


OIG Finds Limited Compliance with Face-to-Face Home Health Requirements

In a report released on Thursday, April 10, the Office of the Inspector General (“OIG”) found that, thus far, there has been limited compliance with the face-to-face documentation requirement for home health providers. As a result, the OIG determined that Medicare paid $2 billion to home health providers that should…


Moody’s Report: Two-Midnight Rule to Weaken Hospital Profitability

On Wednesday, March 12, Moody’s Investor Services released a report predicting that Medicare’s new inpatient admissions policy, the “Two-Midnight rule”, will negatively affect hospitals’ bottom lines. The Two-Midnight rule instructs physicians and hospitals to use a two-midnight benchmark and order admission for patients expected to require hospital care crossing at…


Two-Midnight Rule Enforcement Delay Extended to March 31, 2015

On April 1, 2014, President Barack Obama signed into law a bill (H.R. 4302) extending the enforcement delay of the two-midnight rule. Under the newly adopted law, Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) will not conduct patient status reviews of inpatient hospital admissions on a post-payment basis until March 31, 2015. The…


Fox 2 Detroit Interviews Wachler & Associates’ Andrew Wachler regarding Beaumont, Botsford, Oakwood Merger

Wachler & Associates partner Andrew Wachler appeared on Fox 2 Detroit this morning to discuss the recent announcement that Beaumont Health System, Botsford Health Care, and Oakwood Healthcare have signed a letter of intent to form a new $3.8 billion nonprofit health system. In his interview, Mr. Wachler described the…


Legislation Unveiled to Clarify Two-Midnight Rule

On Thursday, in a bipartisan effort, two senators unveiled a proposed bill that attempts to clarify the infamous two-midnight rule. Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey and Senator Deb Fischer, a Republican from Nebraska are co-sponsors of the bill. Titled as Two-Midnight Rule Coordination and Improvement Act of…


Medicare Therapy Cap Exception Extended

On December 18, 2013, Congress enacted legislation extending the Medicare therapy cap until March 31, 2014. The 2014 outpatient therapy cap limits are $1,920 for physical therapy and speech-language pathology services combined, and $1,920 for occupational therapy services. In order to qualify for an exception to the therapy cap limits…

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