Wachler & Associates partner Andrew Wachler appeared on Fox 2 Detroit this morning to discuss the recent announcement that Beaumont Health System, Botsford Health Care, and Oakwood Healthcare have signed a letter of intent to form a new $3.8 billion nonprofit health system. In his interview, Mr. Wachler described the…
Wachler & Associates Health Law Blog
Legislation Unveiled to Clarify Two-Midnight Rule
On Thursday, in a bipartisan effort, two senators unveiled a proposed bill that attempts to clarify the infamous two-midnight rule. Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey and Senator Deb Fischer, a Republican from Nebraska are co-sponsors of the bill. Titled as Two-Midnight Rule Coordination and Improvement Act of…
Medicare to Re-Review Denials under the 2-Midnight Rule
On Tuesday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ordered its Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to take a second look at all of the claims that the MAC denied under the Probe and Educate review process. These re-reviews are being done to ensure that the MACs’ claim denials, and…
Medicare Therapy Cap Exception Extended
On December 18, 2013, Congress enacted legislation extending the Medicare therapy cap until March 31, 2014. The 2014 outpatient therapy cap limits are $1,920 for physical therapy and speech-language pathology services combined, and $1,920 for occupational therapy services. In order to qualify for an exception to the therapy cap limits…
RACs to Stop Requesting Medical Records from Providers
Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that, effective February 22, Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) may no longer send additional documentation requests (ADRs) to providers for post-payment audits. In addition, February 28 is the last day a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) may send prepayment ADRs for the…
CMS Revises Medicare Policy Manuals Clarifying that Improvement Standards are Not Required for Coverage
On January 15, 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), issued revisions to their policy manuals, including the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, that clarify that “Improvement Standards” are not required for determining claims for Medicare coverage involving skilled care, including skilled nursing facilities (SNF), home health (HH), and…
Andrew Wachler on Pre-coverage of the February 12, 2014 OMHA Medicare Appellant Forum
This morning, Andrew Wachler, managing partner of Wachler & Associates, appeared on RACmonitor’s special coverage of the ALJ Appellant Forum taking place today in Washington. Mr. Wachler provided some context for the occasioning of this forum. “When you really look at the event,” Andrew Wachler said, “it starts back in…
FTC Reaffirms its Broad Authority in Regulating Private Healthcare Providers’ Inadequate Data Security Programs
On January 16, 2014 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) unanimously reaffirmed its broad authority to regulate a healthcare provider’s data security program deemed inadequate by the FTC in protecting consumers from identity theft or misuse of personal information. The FTC held that a provider’s program is inadequate if it fails…
CMS Releases Proposed Rule Regarding Changes to the Medicare Part D Program for 2015
On January 10, 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed significant changes to the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Part D) Program. The proposed changes, such as the “any willing pharmacy” contracting requirement, could significantly impact how Part D Prescription Drug Plan Sponsors operate and interact with their…
CMS to Further Extend “Probe and Educate” Reviews to September 30, 2014
Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it has decided to extend the Inpatient Hospital Prepayment “Probe and Educate” reviews. The probe reviews, which were previously extended to March 31, 2014, have now been extended for dates of admission through September 30, 2014. During the probe…