
Wachler & Associates Health Law Blog


CMS Reports that Providers Are Winning a Large Percentage of Appeals

In its report, “The Medicare RAC Program: Update to the evaluation of the three-year demonstration,” the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reveals that providers have been winning more appeals since its last report in January 2009. The report first noted that the number of reported claims for appeal…


The OIG Releases an Advisory Opinion Regarding the Dietitian and Social Worker Services Provided at a Freestanding Radiation Oncology Center

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued Advisory Opinion 10-08 to address the provision of dietitian and social worker services at a freestanding radiation oncology center (Center) at no extra charge to the beneficiaries. The OIG determined that the proposed arrangement would not…


The Senate Passes a Plan to Fix Medicare Physician Payment for Another Six Months

On June 18 the U.S. Senate passed a six-month plan to prevent the Medicare physician 21 percent payment cut. The measure, which will cost $6.4 billion, was pushed through with the concern that the steep payment cut would raise the possibility that medical providers would turn away patients covered by…


Federal Wrangling May Negatively Impact Michigan’s Medicaid Program

Michigan’s budget may be threatened by U.S. Congressional action. Crain’s Detroit Business reported that Congress’ concern over the nation’s deficit may affect its willingness to pay for an estimated $24 billion in Medicaid assistance to states and other financial assistance, leading to the removal of the enhanced Federal Medical Assistance…


Michigan’s Uninsured Chronically Ill May Have New Coverage Option

The Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation released details about a new high-risk pool that will offer insurance to the uninsured. To qualify the individuals must have been uninsured for at least six months, have been rejected by an insurer, and first spend $1,000 in out-of-pocket costs. The purpose…


Government Accountability Office (GAO) Recommends Post-Payment Reviews to Focus on Home Health and Durable Medical Equipment

The Director of Health Care for the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Kathleen M. King, recently testified before the Subcommittees on Health and Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives. An important component of her testimony included a recommendation that Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) should focus their post-payment review…


Accountable Care Organizations Grow in Michigan

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are beginning to populate Michigan’s healthcare sector. ACOs are integrated groups of hospitals, physicians, long-term care facilities and home health agencies. A provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) authorized provider organizations to create ACOs so long as they agree to manage care…


The American Board of Internal Medicine Takes Formal Action Against Physicians**

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has filed suits against 5 physicians for alleged copyright infringement, the misappropriation of trade secrets, and breach of contract. In addition, ABIM immediately suspended or revoked a total of 139 physicians’ board certification. The ABIM is an organization that certifies internal-medicine specialists and…

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