Articles Posted in Audit

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On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 (2:00-3:00 pm EST), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be holding an Open Door Forum for stakeholders in the healthcare community to call in and discuss the recent changes to the Medicare Part B payment policy in light of recently issued CMS Ruling. The CMS Ruling allows for hospitals to submit a Part B claim when a Part A inpatient claim is denied as not reasonable and necessary.

Tuesday’s Open Door Forum will be conference call only. To participate by phone, dial 1-800-837-1935 and reference conference ID: 78861443. Persons participating by phone do not need to RSVP. TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help. Encore is an audio recording of this call that can be accessed by dialing 1-855-859-2056 and entering the Conference ID beginning 2 hours after the call has ended. The recording expires after 2 business days. The number for Encore is 1-855-859-2056; Conference ID: 78861443.

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The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) has released its instructions and recommended request form for withdrawing a Part A appeal pursuant to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Ruling 1455-R. On March 13, 2013, CMS issued Ruling 1455-R, which allows hospitals to bill for certain services under Part B when a Part A inpatient claim was denied as not reasonable and necessary. The Ruling remains in effect until the proposed rule becomes finalized. Under the Ruling, a hospital must withdraw its Part A appeal in order to submit claims for Part B reimbursement.

Wachler & Associates will continue to monitor the developments of CMS’s revised policy on Part B billing following the denial of a Part A inpatient hospital claim. If you have any questions regarding these developments or questions regarding the RAC appeals process, please contact an experienced health care attorney at Wachler & Associates at 248-544-0888.

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Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) are expected to begin recouping money for annual wellness visits (AWV) erroneously paid to both facilities and physicians for the same visit.

For the past two years, CMS has erroneously allowed an AWV on a professional and institutional claim for the same patient on the same day. In some cases, this resulted in double billing to CMS. The erroneous collecting began with dates of service processed on or after April 4, 2011, and could continue through March 31, 2013 because the new policy will not take effect until April 1, 2013. CMS will recoup the double payments made from January 1, 2011 through March 31, 2013 from whoever billed the second claim. The new policy, Change Request 8107, will only allow payment for the professional service, regardless of whether it is paid on a professional or institutional claim.

If you need assistance determining how this new policy may affect your practice, or if you have any other health care law questions, please contact an experienced health care attorney at Wachler & Associates at 248-544-0888.

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On March 13, 2013, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) released a Proposed Rule and Administrator’s Ruling that provide for significant revisions to Medicare’s Part B payment policy when a Part A hospital inpatient claim is denied as not medically necessary because the care was not provided in the appropriate setting. CMS’s Administrator’s Ruling (CMS-1455-R) was issued to address the significant number of pending appeals of Part A hospital inpatient reasonable and necessary denials while the new Proposed Rule entitled, Medicare Program; Part B Inpatient Billing in Hospitals, (CMS-1455-P), which proposes a permanent policy that would apply on a prospective basis, goes through notice and comment rulemaking. As a result, the Part A to Part B Rebilling Demonstration Program has been terminated.

CMS’s Interim Ruling and Proposed Rule differ in many important aspects from the Medicare Appeals Council’s longstanding position articulated in In re: O’Connor Hosp., that hospitals are entitled to full Part B payment, including observation and underlying services, following a denial of Part A reimbursement and that any Part B payment is subject to the rules governing administrative finality and will not be time-barred. For example, although the Interim Ruling and Proposed Rule would allow a hospital to submit a Part B claim for more services than just the limited number of ancillary medical and other health services listed in Chapter 6, Section 10 of the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (“MBPM”), services that require an outpatient status, such as observation services, will not be reimbursed for the time period the beneficiary spent in the hospital as an inpatient.

In addition, although the Interim Ruling explicitly waives the potential timeliness of filing requirements with regard to the billing of a Part B claim following the denial of a Part A claim and provides hospitals with 180 days from the denial to bill for an outpatient stay, the Proposed Rule, should it become final it its current form, would deny Part B claims if filed more than 12 months after the date of service. Accordingly, if a RAC waits 12 months to deny a claim or should 12 months elapse from the date of service while a hospital is in the appeals process, the hospital will be left empty-handed.

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On January 31, 2013, the Senate Finance Committee released a report aimed at combating waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid. In May of 2012, the Senate Finance Committee invited interested stakeholders to submit white papers offering recommendations and innovative solutions to improve program integrity efforts, strengthen payment reforms, and enhance fraud and abuse enforcement efforts. In response, a variety of healthcare industry experts, including Wachler & Associates, submitted nearly 2,000 pages of input and recommendations. Wachler & Associates submitted instances of egregious contractor errors, including improper recoupment of alleged overpayments, contractors sending appeals correspondence to the wrong addresses and improper referral of alleged overpayments to the Department of Treasury. Based on the Finance Committee’s review, the white papers discussed five broad themes: improper payments, beneficiary protection, audit burden, data management, and enforcement.

Improper payment issues were discussed by 44 percent of health insurers and providers who submitted white papers. Solutions regarding improper payment issues included allowing reimbursement at the outpatient service level if inpatient status is denied or for certain types of complex cases; and clarifying the guidance on or abolishing outpatient observation status. Beneficiary protection was discussed by 57 percent of insurers and providers, many of whom discussed the use of outpatient observation status by hospitals to avoid recovery audit contractor’s (RAC) scrutiny of claims, as well as provider and patient frustration with payer documentation requirements, which may lead them to forfeit certain courses of treatment or care. Furthermore, 60 percent of providers and insurers discussed audit burden issues, and were specifically concerned with the number of audit entities involved, the volume and complexity of payment rules and regulations, whether payment rules are applied consistently and whether audit entities are inappropriately overturning medical necessity decisions, audit entities interactions with providers during the audit process, difficulty communicating with audit entities during the audit process, and financial burden of payment suspensions and the impact on business.

Ninety-four percent of white papers included recommendations to combat waste, fraud, and abuse. Some of the recommendations included were:

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The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) recovered a record $4.2 billion from healthcare fraud investigations last year, according to their jointly issued Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012. DOJ and HHS reported that it deposited the $4.2 billion to U.S. Department of Treasury and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) accounts. On average over the last three years, the federal government has recovered $7.90 for every dollar it spends investigating healthcare fraud and abuse. This is the highest three-year average return on investment in the 16-year history of the Health Care Fraud and Abuse (HCFAC) Program.

The bulk of these recoveries, it appears, are from pharmaceutical and device manufacturers and wholesalers. In July 2012, GlaxoSmithKline paid over $3 billion in a settlement deal to resolve its criminal and civil liability arising from the company’s failure to report certain safety data, its alleged false price reporting practices, and its unlawful promotion of certain prescription drugs. In November 2011, Merck Sharp & Dohme paid $950 million to resolve its criminal and civil liabilities related to its promotion and marketing of the painkiller Vioxx. In April 2012, McKesson Corporation paid $190 million to resolve claims that it violated the FCA by reporting inflated pricing information for a large number of prescription drugs, causing Medicaid to overpay for those drugs.

The DOJ also reported the number of its enforcement actions. In 2012, the DOJ opened 1,131 new criminal and 885 new civil healthcare fraud investigations. The DOJ also reported that 826 criminal defendants were convicted of healthcare fraud-related crimes during the FY 2012. Furthermore, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) excluded 3,131 individuals and entities based on criminal convictions for crimes related to Medicare and Medicaid, patient abuse or neglect, and as a result of licensure revocations.

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Senators Charles Schumer (D- NY) and Sherrod Brown (D – OH) are co-sponsors of the “Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act of 2013 bill that would count observation stays toward the three-day minimum required for Medicare to cover the costs of follow up care after a serious hospitalization.

In recent years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has expanded its auditing programs in order to control the cost of Medicare and to prevent fraud and abuse. The auditing program scrutinizes claims for care that was not medically necessary and reasonable. If a Medicare contractor concludes that a beneficiary was allegedly improperly admitted as an inpatient, the contractor will request that the hospital return the identified overpayment. Although hospitals may appeal to challenge a Medicare contractor’s conclusion that an inpatient admission was not medically necessary and reasonable, it is evident that the audits have affected hospitals’ inpatient admission rates. Specifically, the unfortunate consequence of Medicare audit contractors’ aggressiveness is some hospitals may be motivated to place patients in observation status to avoid auditors’ scrutiny and potential financial penalties. An indication that this consequence is being realized is that the number and length of observation stays have skyrocketed. A study by Brown University reports a 34% increase in observation stays from 2007-2009. Currently, in order to receive rehabilitation or in home nursing care after a hospital stay, a Medicare patient must have a three-day inpatient hospital stay. However, hundreds of thousands of seniors are being denied Medicare coverage for therapy each year because they are admitted to the hospital under observation status instead of inpatient status.

Senator Schumer claims that correcting this “observation stay loophole” will save seniors money and will allow hospitals to provide better care for patients. CMS would have to cover the additional cost of follow up services for patients who have had a three-day stay in observation status. In the midst of the national budget debate, it will be interesting to see if the Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act of 2013 will get any traction in Congress. In 2011 a similar act was introduced in both houses of Congress, but did not go anywhere.

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The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which became law on January 3, 2013, and is more widely known for addressing the fiscal cliff, also included a less publicized provision which changes the lookback period in the “Provider Without Fault” provisions of the Social Security Act from three years to five years. This provision is important for providers who are defending a Medicare audit. This provision previously provided that, absent evidence to the contrary, providers would be deemed to be “without fault” if an overpayment is discovered more than three years after it was paid. Thus, this provision could often be used as a defense in Medicare audits where the claims at issue were discovered more than three years prior to the audit results letter (although the “absent evidence to the contrary” language was sometimes difficult to overcome). The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 in Section 638 amends section 1870 of the Social Security to allow CMS a five year reopening period.

This provision appears to have been included in the Act in response to the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) assertions that the three year lookback period was an obstacle to overpayment recovery.

Providers should note that other provisions of the “Provider Without Fault” language in section 1870 of the Social Security Act may still present a viable defense to the extent that the provider complied with all pertinent regulations, made full disclosure of all material facts, and on the basis of the information available, had a reasonable basis for assuming that the payment was correct.
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According to the latest figures released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) corrected a total of $2.4 billion in improper payments in fiscal year (FY) 2012, of which $2.29 billion was attributable to overpayments collected and $109.4 million was from underpayments returned. The amount of total corrections in FY 2012 was an enormous increase from the $939.3 million in total corrections reported in FY 2011. Since October 2009, the RACs have corrected a total of $3.43 billion, of which roughly 92% has been attributable to overpayments collected.

Medical necessity of cardiovascular procedures was reported to be the top issue for overpayments in RAC regions A, B and C. In RAC region D, the top issue for overpayments was found to be minor surgery and other treatments billed as inpatient. The top RAC issues for underpayments were not provided by CMS.

If you need assistance in preparing for, or defending against RAC audits, or implementing a compliance program geared toward identifying and correcting potential risk areas related to RAC audits, please contact an experienced health care attorney at Wachler & Associates attorney at 248-544-0888.

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Recently, CGI Federal, the RAC for Region B, added two new home health issues to its CMS-approved issues list. In the past, RACs have primarily focused their attention on hospitals due to the high bounty they receive for correcting improper claims. However, as displayed in the 2011 RAC statement of work, CMS has directed RACs to begin pursuing other provider types beyond hospitals. The newly approved home health issues for Region B include:

  • No skilled service: To qualify for the home health benefit, a patient must need a skilled service. When a skilled service is needed, dependent services may also be covered. Dependent services are not covered for a patient who no longer needs a skilled service. Claims with no skilled service billed will be reviewed to determine whether the qualifying criteria of having an ongoing skilled service has been met.
  • Skilled nurse length of stay: Late episodes (third and later) receive increased payments, therefore payment incentives exist for extended home health care. Medicare covers skilled nursing services when they are reasonable and necessary. Extended nursing care for observation and assessment may not be covered. Claims for nursing services into the third episode and after will be reviewed to determine if all Medicare coverage criteria is met.

In addition to the new home health issues, CGI Federal also added two new issues targeting physicians in Region B, which include:

  • Incorrect Billing of Diagnosis Codes for Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy: This is an automated review to ensure correct reporting of diagnosis codes for colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy services.
  • Professional Trastuzumab Off-Label Uses: The purpose for this automated edit is to identify claims for Traztuzumab (Herceptin®) being used for off-label indications

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