CMS Releases Physician Payment Data – Should E/M Providers Be Concerned?
Earlier this month, CMS released its first set of Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data for physicians and physician practices. As part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to make Medicare more transparent, CMS has prepared a public data set providing information on services and procedures provided to Medicare beneficiaries under Medicare Part B. This information includes the types and number of services and procedures provided by physicians, as well as the amount of payments each physician received from the Medicare program in calendar year 2012.
According the data, office/outpatient evaluation and management services (e.g., CPT codes 99213 and 99214) were the most frequently billed services by physicians and accounted for nearly $11 billion of the $77 billion in Medicare payments to physicians in 2012.
Physician evaluation and management (E/M) services have been an increasing focus of audits by CMS contractors – typically, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and Zone Program Integrity Contractors (ZPICs). Furthermore, with the moratorium on Recover Audit Contractors (RACs) ability to audit Part A hospital claims being extended to March 2015, we expect the RACs to shift their audit focus from Part A to Part B claims. Based on the changing audit landscape and the utilization and payment data recently released by CMS, physicians can only expect to be an even greater target of Medicare audits.