CMS Provides List of Providers Who Need to Revalidate Their Medicare Enrollment
As part of healthcare reform, Section 6401(a) of the Affordable Care Act requires all providers and suppliers who enrolled in the Medicare program prior to March 25, 2011 to revalidate their provider enrollment under the new screening criteria. Providers and suppliers who enrolled after March 25, 2011 do not need to revalidate at this time as they have already been screened.
Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will be sending revalidation notices to individual providers and suppliers between now and March 23, 2015. Providers and suppliers must complete the enrollment forms within 60 days of receiving the request from the MACs. If a provider fails to submit the provider enrollment forms after receiving the request, it may lead to a suspension of the provider’s Medicare billing privileges.
Providers and suppliers may not revalidate their provider enrollment until they have received a revalidation notice from their MAC. The CMS website provides a list of all the providers and suppliers to whom revalidation notices have been sent (See “download” section). The notices are listed according to the month in which the revalidation notice has been sent, and CMS updates these lists on a bimonthly basis. In case a revalidation notice has been sent but never received, every provider is encouraged to check the list to determine whether or not they are currently expected to revalidate. If you are listed, but have not received the request, you should contact your Medicare contractor.
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