Physicians Nationwide Face Terminations as Insurance Plans Move to Narrow Networks
In the past year, thousands of health care providers across the country have been excluded without cause from their insurance plan’s provider networks. The proliferation of narrow networks – defined as health insurance plans that limit the doctors and hospitals available to their subscribers – has caused a backlash amongst providers, who claim the insurers’ terminations will squeeze beneficiaries on access to care, and disrupt longstanding patient-physician relationship, emergency department care, and referral networks.
Although the Affordable Care Act did not create narrow networks, the reform law accelerated the trend by limiting insurer’s ability to continually lower benefits and exclude unhealthy individuals. Without other ways to compete, controlling providers and limiting choice is the insurers’ best way to lower premiums and thus compete on the exchanges. Insurers claim that narrow networks control costs and allow for higher quality, better coordinated care.
In most cases, however, patients choose insurance plans based on the plan’s access to a specific provider network. Patients subscribe and re-subscribe to one-year commitments with the primary intent to access their long-term primary care physicians or other regularly seen providers. Patients often build relationships with these providers over several years, even decades. Now, without notice or the ability to switch their plan, the patients’ physician is suddenly out-of-network and cost-prohibitive.